Monday, July 6, 2009

Naddy Said...Why Haven't You Put Gudda On Here Yet?

Gouchos Greenbacks (a.k.a. Gudda)

Gouchos, or Gouch for short is basically the laid back ying to the loose cannon yang of Peel Off Ent. We both co-manage eX, Dallas and World as well as keep the day to day of our lil label that could, running. He's the cool, calm and collected one of the bunch. eX's roommate/right hand is always good for a laugh or at the bare minimum, a slight chuckle and after getting to know him, you'll see why his last name is Greenbacks. He's maaaaaad Spacely Sprockets instead of buying a pack of sausage, getting only two of them for .75 cents cheap. HA!

Favorite Phrases: "I gotta see...", "Pretty much..." "I know I'm cheap...whatever..."

Check out Gudda bussing a move as he auditioned to be a Peel Off dancer HA! (he's gonna kill me for letting this vid out the bag... *shrugs*)

1 comment:

  1. The dance moves = FRESH!

    The ode to your secret lover brownbacks (pause) i definitely questionable!

    Peel off you're ying's clothes, homo!
