Monday, February 23, 2009

Naddy Said...Well, You're Late But Not As Late As Usual

Sooooooo, myself and the rest of Peel Off Ent. have joined, the social media and networking site that asks that 1 burning question..."What are you doing?" It's pretty ingenius and so much easier harder to become annoyed with due to the fact that you don't have to do much. Type what you're doing (i.e. listening to music, masturbating, masturbating while listening to music, etc.), and wait...hit refresh and see if anyone responds to your entry. If they don't respond, don't feel bad. I know you sat in front of that screen for 30 minutes trying to think of something witty to type, only to see it go unnoticed, but fear not! This site is ripe for the picking once you realize you ave to pick your spots. I entered this groups' convo with a well placed, "That's what she said." and was welcomed in like a brother.

Click here to check us out>>> Me


Gouchos Greenbacks


Friday, February 20, 2009

Naddy Said...GODDAMN Chris!!!!

Listen...I don't know what happened, no one does for sure, except the two parties involved...with that said...DAAAAAAMMMMMMMNNNNNNN! She doesn't look like she was just slapped, folks. Maybe she tried to take this nigga's Doublemint or something...fuck. This blog is primarily for Peel Off business and Peel Off business only, but there will be some occasions where I speak on other internet shit I happen across. Hov gonna fuck this nigga up...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Naddy Said...Hey eXquire!...

Ha ha...Seriously, he is. "Blog Wars", huh? It's whatever! To quote a former beast of an MC, now turned botox'd, lame ass actor, "...And I'm just getting warm!"

The Elusive Young World...Oh Yeah!

Name: Young World The Golden Child a.k.a. Wavy World
Occupation: Part time rapper, full time player/pimp/milky gangster
Pet Peeves: None ("Never let 'em see ya sweat, playboy." - Young World)
Hobbies: Making up cool catchphrases that we steal from him (i.e. "Oh yeah", "Get your money on", "Real-lay"...they might not look like much, but it's all about the delivery).
Famous Quote: "What's shakin', baby?"

Below is some footage of World...recruiting a member for our...uh...street team. Yeah, that's it!

Dallas Tha Kid...The Black Cloud That Will Rain On You Rapper's Parade!

Name: Dallas Tha Kid a.k.a. Black Ops, The Black Dahlia, Shadowboxer, etc., etc. P.S.- Don't call him any of those names 'cause he'll fuck you up. You don't know him like that...
Occupation: Full time rapper...umm, that's pretty much it. He raps A LOT.
Pet Peeves: Lack of studio time and engineers who can't mix and master 12 songs in an afternoon.

Famous Quote: "I need to go to the stu and finish some shit up..."

Download "Make Believe" off of Sex, Lies and Videotape (Coming Spring '09)

Naddy Said...I Should Tell 'Em About eX First

Name: Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire
Occupation: Full time rapper, part time porn addict and flagship artist of Peel Off Entertainment
Hobbies: Listening to obscure instrumentals and samples 18 hours a day(if you can't tell who made it, we sure as hell ain't gonna tell you)
Pet Peeves: Bitches that lie and liars that bitch, lazyness and when someone drinks the last of the juice.
Famous Quote: "You're so DRIDDY!!!!"

Youse Sons of Bitches Done Did It Now!!!

Look what you've gone and made me do! Yeah, yeah...I've heard all of the "Nobody's fuckin' wit y'all niggas"..."Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire is the next dude outta NY"..."Dallas Tha Kid's 'Risk Free Trial' mixtape was one of the most criminally slept-on mixtapes of the last decade"...blah, blah, BLAH! Where's the love, folks? Where's the flowers at our feet?...*shakes head and takes third shot of Brugal* I know what it is're scurred. Afraid to admit that you like something until someone else validates it for you. But NO MORE! It's a new day people, and I'm here to unplug you from the Matrix we call "hip hop blogs" a.k.a. logging on to and regurgitating what eskay and the rest of his merry band of do-gooders says is "hot". We're better than this, guys...I am anyway. Hence, the reason I'm here. To showcase new talent and provide the shine for whomever i see fit. *Spoiler alert* It'll mostly be my niggas...