Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Naddy Said...Good Music Confuses Some People. Go Figure...

So tonight, eX had a show in L.E.S. Good turnout, but the crowd was a bit World Star-ish...usually not a problem, but once in a while, we'll come across "the deer in headlights" audience. That's when after enduring round after round of the same weak punchline raps about ratchets, money and hustling (ugh...), the crowd becomes shocked and bewildered by creatively dope music. Now, we're from Brooklyn...so guns and hoes aint nuthin' new to us...I'm cleaning my sawed off and about to participate in a triz-nain ("triz-nathaniel to you" (c) Big Pun) as we speak! Ha! I keed, I keed, but seriously, Peel Off is for the hood and for Hollywood. We drink, we fight, we laugh, we fuck a lotta girls, just like your beloved Papooses' and your Jim Jones'. We're just a lil different because we're actually good. No shots, either, but when eX, Dallie or World are performing, you should NEVER be looking at them like they're some kind of live action Suduko puzzle! Just pay homage..........unless you guys are actually wondering why they're even there in the first place, and not on some crazy European tour, fucking loads of British groupies. If so, then you may carry on.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Naddy Said...Why Haven't You Put Gudda On Here Yet?

Gouchos Greenbacks (a.k.a. Gudda)

Gouchos, or Gouch for short is basically the laid back ying to the loose cannon yang of Peel Off Ent. We both co-manage eX, Dallas and World as well as keep the day to day of our lil label that could, running. He's the cool, calm and collected one of the bunch. eX's roommate/right hand is always good for a laugh or at the bare minimum, a slight chuckle and after getting to know him, you'll see why his last name is Greenbacks. He's maaaaaad cheap...like Spacely Sprockets cheap...like instead of buying a pack of sausage, getting only two of them for .75 cents cheap. HA!

Favorite Phrases: "I gotta see...", "Pretty much..." "I know I'm cheap...whatever..."

Check out Gudda bussing a move as he auditioned to be a Peel Off dancer HA! (he's gonna kill me for letting this vid out the bag... *shrugs*)

Naddy Said...Back From The Grave...Again?!!...Pathetic

This is getting redundant now! I post, I disappear...post, disappear...NO MORE! I'm gonna keep u internuts informed of all of our Peel Off bidness. We've actually been pretty busy...doing shows, recording, filming..."Runnin' Wit Sizzorz" is almost wrapped up, and Dallas, eX and World are all working hard in the Danger Room (our brand spanking new studio!!) Lotta treats getting cooked up in there that will be liberated very soon...I would put some up now to download, but I don't want to here their mouths..."Those songs aren't mastered", "I need to record that verse over", blah, blah, blah...Stay tuned though...they might be desperate for attention and give me the green light so keep ur fingers and ur eyes peeled...or not. *shrugs* We're the shit anyway.