Sunday, March 1, 2009

Naddy Said...New Sh*t!! New Sh*t!!...Well, not really...

Well, well, well...Peel Off Ent. is about to start throwing their weight around in the coming months and the first bitchslap we're giving the general public is Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire's "The Pursuit of Happyness" series. The first installment, (Vol. 1 for you guys on the short bus) is a compilation of some unreleased stuff eX found on his hard drive that, for whatever reason, never found a home on any of his past mixtapes. Good music though and prolly new to you guys, so enjoy! Stay tuned for "Vol. 2 Burry My Heart" dropping in a New York minute. And trust me, that one will be a doozy! P.S.- Yes, the cover art did cost us a pretty penny, but I think it was worth it...

Download "The Pursuit Of Happyness-Vol. 1"

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