Thursday, February 19, 2009

Youse Sons of Bitches Done Did It Now!!!

Look what you've gone and made me do! Yeah, yeah...I've heard all of the "Nobody's fuckin' wit y'all niggas"..."Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire is the next dude outta NY"..."Dallas Tha Kid's 'Risk Free Trial' mixtape was one of the most criminally slept-on mixtapes of the last decade"...blah, blah, BLAH! Where's the love, folks? Where's the flowers at our feet?...*shakes head and takes third shot of Brugal* I know what it is're scurred. Afraid to admit that you like something until someone else validates it for you. But NO MORE! It's a new day people, and I'm here to unplug you from the Matrix we call "hip hop blogs" a.k.a. logging on to and regurgitating what eskay and the rest of his merry band of do-gooders says is "hot". We're better than this, guys...I am anyway. Hence, the reason I'm here. To showcase new talent and provide the shine for whomever i see fit. *Spoiler alert* It'll mostly be my niggas...

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